In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland produces too much hormone less to stimulate the metabolism, or the body can not use hormones. The lack of thyroid hormones slows metabolism and therefore all activities in the body, giving a combination of many symptoms related to slowness of bodily processes.
Hypothyroidism is common, but the frequency of the disease is not well determined. Some authorities estimate that 0.5% of the total population of America have the disease to some extent. The frequency is much higher among people over 50 years of age than among youth.
The most common initial symptoms are physical and mental fatigue, weakness, weight gain or more weight and depression.
One or more of these symptoms usually appear at the beginning: Constipation, sensitivity to cold, cold hands and feet, thick tongue, decreased sweating, dry hair, thin brittle hair, thin brittle nails, muscle and joint pain, pale or yellowish skin, rashes and itching.
One or more of these symptoms usually appear later: Poor memory, slow our thought process, drowsiness, slow speech, thinning of eyebrows, hoarseness, low blood pressure, poor circulation, dry, flaky skin, decreased taste and smell, menstrual irregularities, skin thickening, puffy face, puffy hands and feet, swelling of limbs, spasms, general swelling, muscle, muscle atrophy, joint stiffness.
In children or young hypothyroidism can develop problems such as impaired development of teeth and short stature.
Hypothyroidism increases the risk of high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes (diabetes mellitus). This occurs even by moderately decreased thyroid production.
The thyroid gland and its hormones
To understand the hypothyroidism, some knowledge about the thyroid gland and its hormones is essential.
The thyroid gland produces hormones that accelerate the metabolism and other regular sage. A part of metabolism is the process of breaking down nutrients containing energy, and energy use to produce molecules that all processes and activities in the body use as fuel. Another part is the production of molecules that the body use as building materials.
The thyroid makes four hormones: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), diiodothyronine (T2) and monoiodothyronine (T1). The hormones contain iodine, and the figures speak of the number of iodine atoms in each molecule of the hormone. T3 is not made directly, but is produced from T4. T3 is a more efficient hormone than T4. Therefore this conversion is important.
The pituitary gland in the brain produces a hormone called thyrotropin or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) that enhances the activity of the thyroid gland. If the body has too less thyroid hormone in the blood, the pituitary produces more thyrotropin. This causes the thyroid gland speed up its own production. At a concentration of thyroid hormone too heavy, less TSH is produced by the pituitary gland and thyroid gland slows down. This feedback mechanism regulates the body's metabolism.
In hypothyroidism the body does not get enough thyroid hormone, or hormones do not function effectively in the body. This causes the metabolism to slow. When the metabolism decreases, the processes in the body is not getting enough fuel and building materials, and all activities of the body thus reducing speed. Energy containing nutrient will also be stored as fat because it does not decompose.
variants severe hypothyroidism is called myxedema. This is a rare condition. However, less serious, but painful variants are common. There are several reasons for hypothyroidism, each giving a variant of the disease:
* An autoimmune reaction against the thyroid tissue can destroy the ability of the thyroid gland to produce hormones (eg Hashimoto's disease).
* Sometimes the production of T3 by conversion from T4 is impaired. The total amount of the hormones may be normal in these cases, but the body is still lacking T3, and the symptoms of hypothyroidism.
* Iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism, since thyroid hormones containing iodine. In Europe and Latin food seldom short in iodine, but poor nutrition can lead to iodine deficiency.
* Surgery or radiation to the thyroid area can destroy enough tissue to cause hypothyroidism.
* Injury or disease of the pituitary gland or part of the brain that controls the pituitary gland can cause a decrease of thyrotropin secret and then the thyroid will respond by producing less of its own hormones with hypothyroidism as a result.
* Some people have symptoms of hypothyroidism despite the amount of thyroid hormone in the blood is normal. One of the symptoms is raised levels of thyrotropin, indicating that the signals that the body needs more thyroid hormones. This variation can be caused by conditions in other body parts that make it difficult for the hormone to reach its destination in the cells. In many cases the immune system produces antibodies against the thyroid. This variant is called sub-clinical hypothyroidism, and responds to the same treatment as ordinary hypothyroidism.
* Some types of food can contribute to a depressed thyroid function or aggravate hypothyroidism when eaten raw in large amounts: Brussel sprouts, broccoli, corn oil, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, soy kohlrabi and turnips. When cooking vegetables, the depressing effect is reduced
* Factors suspected of causing hypothyroidism are: Aspartame, an artificial sweetener, mercury pollution, dental fillings containing mercury, fluoride and heavy metal pollution.
For serious hypothyroidism caused by tissue destruction, external supplement of thyroid hormones is necessary.
When the condition is caused by lack of iodine in the diet, dietary changes and iodine supplements will be a part of treatment.
less severe hypothyroidism, but painful at times also treated with hormone supplements. In these cases, it is difficult to find the appropriate dose and treatment can lead to poisoning of hormones.
You can sometimes alleviate hypothyroidism by reducing the amount of food suspected for depressing the thyroid function: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, corn oil, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, rutabaga, soy, soy products and turnips. However, these foods are useful in many aspects, so it probably is not wise to totally cut. Also try to avoid artificial ingredients like the sweetener aspartame, conserving additives and fluoride.
Change of mercury dental fillings and avoiding mercury or heavy metal exposure may help improve the condition.
You can also alleviate the condition by eating food that stimulates the thyroid function according to practical experience: Chia seed, dulse, sea fish, flax seed, pumpkin seeds, coconut, seaweed and yeast.
You can find nutritional supplements to help for hypothyroidism. The compositions of these products vary:
* They may contain building materials used to make thyroid hormones, for example: iodine, acetyl-L-tyrosine and phenylalanine-L.
* They may also contain vitamins and minerals that stimulate the mechanism of hormone production by being a part of the necessary enzymes, or by helping the absorption of the ingredients that hormones are made from, such as magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper and vitamin E.
* It can also contain components that stimulate tissue regeneration by being part of tissue building enzymes, and help restore a degraded thyroid, for example, folic acid or folate, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid or pantothenate), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamin) and molybdenum.
Unfortunately, thyroid disorder are often overlooked or is misdiagnosed. However supplements for thyroid are necessary for maintaining thyroid health.